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The Origin of Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) is a traditional festival in China that is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It commemorates the life and death of the Chinese poet and minister Qu Yuan (屈原), who lived during the Warring States period (战国时期) around 2400 years ago.

Qu Yuan was a loyal and patriotic minister of the State of Chu (楚国) during a time when the Qin State (秦国) was expanding its power and absorbing other states. Qu Yuan urged his king to resist the Qin aggressors, but his advice was ignored. Eventually, the Qin army conquered the Chu capital and forced the king into exile. In despair, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River (汨罗江) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC.

The local people were deeply saddened by Qu Yuan's death and feared that his body would be eaten by fish and other aquatic creatures. They raced to the river in their boats, beating drums and splashing with paddles, to scare away the fish and retrieve the body. They also threw glutinous rice dumplings (粽子) and other food into the water as offerings to Qu Yuan's spirit.

Over time, the dragon boat races and the custom of eating zongzi became an annual tradition to honor Qu Yuan's memory. On Dragon Boat Festival, many Chinese people eat zongzi and participate in dragon boat races, where teams of paddlers race against each other in colorful boats shaped like dragons.

Dragon Boat Festival has become an important cultural and folk festival in China, as well as in other countries with large Chinese communities. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2009.

In conclusion, Dragon Boat Festival is a festival deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history. It commemorates the heroic minister Qu Yuan who sacrificed himself for his principles and loyalty, and also celebrates the spirit of unity, courage, and determination embodied by the dragon boat races.



The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional holiday in China that falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The festival is primarily celebrated to commemorate a great ancient poet and politician named Qu Yuan.

Qu Yuan lived during the Warring States period in ancient China and was a loyal minister of the Chu state. However, when the state was conquered by the Qin state, Qu Yuan was exiled. During his exile, he wrote many famous poems documenting his love for his country and his despair at its downfall.

On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, in 278 BC, Qu Yuan was said to have drowned himself in the Miluo River. The local people, who admired and respected him greatly, raced out in boats to search for him and threw rice dumplings into the river to distract the fish and prevent them from eating Qu Yuan's body.

Today, the Chinese celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival by racing boats, eating zongzi (rice dumplings), and hanging calamus and wormwood leaves on doors and windows to ward off evil spirits. The festival is a time for family reunions, feasting, and paying tribute to Qu Yuan and his writings.

In modern times, the Dragon Boat Festival has become a popular cultural event around the world, with dragon boat races and zongzi-eating contests held in many cities across the globe. Despite its evolution over time, the festival remains a beloved tradition that celebrates Chinese history and culture.



The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Legend has it that this festival commemorates Chinese patriot Qu Yuan, who lived over 2000 years ago. Qu Yuan was a great poet and a loyal minister of the Chu State. He was so devoted to serving his country that he never married and spent his life defending Chu against aggression from other states. However, his loyalty was not appreciated, and he was banished from the court. In 278 BC, when the Chu State was conquered by the Qin State, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River to protest against the corruption of the Chu government. Upon hearing the news, the local people rushed to the river in their boats, trying to save him. They beat drums and splashed water, hoping to scare away any creatures in the water that might harm Qu Yuan's body. His death was deeply mourned by the people, and they threw zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves) into the river so that the fish would eat the zongzi instead of Qu Yuan's body. They also rowed boats and held dragon boat racing to commemorate him. Today, the Dragon Boat Festival has become an important cultural event and a public holiday in China. People eat zongzi and drink realgar wine, which is said to repel evil, particulate in dragon boat racing or other festive activities, and pray for good luck and safety.



The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival that dates back over 2,000 years. Legend has it that the festival commemorates the death of the Chinese poet and minister Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period.

Qu Yuan was a loyal patriot who worked tirelessly to unite the warring states and bring peace to China. However, he was exiled by the emperor and his political rivals. During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote many poems expressing his deep love for his country and his people.

It is said that on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, Qu Yuan, unable to bear the despair of seeing his country in turmoil and his people suffering, drowned himself in the Miluo River. The people of his hometown raced to rescue him by paddling their boats and beating drums to scare away the fish and evil spirits. Unfortunately, they were not able to save Qu Yuan.

To commemorate his death, the Chinese people began to hold dragon boat races on the anniversary of Qu Yuan's death, which is now known as the Dragon Boat Festival. During the festival, people eat Zongzi, a traditional Chinese food made of glutinous rice wrapped in lotus leaves, which is said to have been thrown into the river by people trying to keep the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body.

The Dragon Boat Festival has since become an important cultural event in China and is celebrated by people all over the world. It promotes Chinese culture and tradition through dragon boat races, Zongzi making, and other cultural activities.

In recent years, the festival has become more than just a Chinese tradition. It has been recognized as an international sport event, attracting participants from all over the world. The Dragon Boat Festival reflects the spirit of teamwork, friendship, and perseverance, bringing people together in a celebration of Chinese culture and the beauty of life itself.







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