
时间:2024-09-18 www.liuliuba.com八字算命



Dragon boat racing, zongzi, and herbal sachets are all hallmarks of the Dragon Boat Festival, or Duanwu Jie, as it is called in China. This festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, is a time to remember and honor the great poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in a river after his country was conquered by an enemy state.

One of the most popular traditions during the Dragon Boat Festival is dragon boat racing. These long, narrow boats are typically painted with bright colors and decorated with dragon heads and tails. It is said that the origin of dragon boat racing comes from the story of villagers who raced to save Qu Yuan from drowning.

Another important aspect of the festival is eating zongzi, pyramid-shaped dumplings made from glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. These dumplings can be filled with a variety of ingredients, including pork, chicken, beans, or peanuts. They are often eaten for breakfast or as a snack during the festival.

In addition to dragon boat racing and eating zongzi, many people also hang herbal sachets outside their homes during the Dragon Boat Festival. These sachets are made from fragrant herbs and are believed to ward off evil spirits and diseases.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a significant cultural holiday in China, and people all over the country celebrate it in their own unique ways. Schools and businesses often close for the day, and people gather with friends and family to enjoy the festivities.

In recent years, the Dragon Boat Festival has become popular around the world. Dragon boat races are held in many countries, and people from different cultures enjoy learning about the traditions and history of the festival.

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is a time to remember an important figure in Chinese history, as well as to enjoy the company of friends and family while participating in fun and festive activities.



As a traditional Chinese festival, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which usually occurs in June on the Gregorian calendar. The festival is widely celebrated in China, and has become popular in many other countries as well. In this article, I would like to introduce Dragon Boat Festival to my foreign friends.

Firstly, the origin of Dragon Boat Festival dates back to ancient China, where it was originally a day to commemorate the death of a famous poet and minister named Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was exiled and resigned himself to the Miluo River to show his dismay at the corrupt politics of the time. Upon hearing of his death, locals paddled out in boats to search for his body and scattered rice into the water to feed the fish and prevent them from eating his remains. Today, Dragon Boat Festival has become more of a celebration of Chinese culture and traditions.

Secondly, the most significant activity during Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat race. People decorate their boats with dragon heads and tails, and paddle in unison to the beat of a drum. The race is held in memory of Qu Yuan, but also has a competitive aspect. It is a thrilling sport to watch, and I highly recommend that foreign friends take part in such an event!

Thirdly, another tradition during Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi, a traditional Chinese food made of glutinous rice filled with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves. It is said that zongzi are the food people threw into the river to feed the fish when searching for Qu Yuan's body. Eating zongzi has become an essential part of the festival, and many people make and share them with family and friends.

Finally, to fully experience Dragon Boat Festival, it's essential to dress up in traditional Chinese attire. People typically wear white or colorful clothing, and women wear flower decorations in their hair. The festive atmosphere is contagious, and I am sure that foreign friends will enjoy dressing up and taking part in the celebrations.

In conclusion, Dragon Boat Festival is an exciting and culturally rich festival in China. I hope this brief introduction has given my foreign friends a better understanding of this festival and the activities that make it so special. Whether participating in a dragon boat race, eating zongzi, or dressing up in traditional Chinese attire, it's sure to be a memorable experience!



Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year. This festival originated from the ancient time when people worshiped the dragon. Later on, it became a festival to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

On this festival, people eat zongzi, a glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves. They also drink realgar wine and hang the leaves of mugwort and calamus at their doors to ward off evil spirits.

The most exciting part of this festival is the dragon boat race. Dragon boats are colorful and long boats with dragon heads at the bow and tails at the stern. They are usually propelled by a team of about 20 paddlers who row to the beat of a drummer’s drum.

In conclusion, Dragon Boat Festival is a very important festival in China that has been celebrated for over 2000 years. People still cherish and enjoy this festival, as it reminds them of their cultural heritage and patriotic spirit.



The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. It commemorates the death of a loyal poet named Qu Yuan who drowned himself in a river protesting against the corrupt government. It is now typically celebrated with dragon boat races, zongzi and other festive activities.

On this day, people often wake up early to watch dragon boat races, which involve teams of rowers paddling to the beat of drums in long, narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails. The races are a symbol of teamwork, strength and determination.

Another tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi, or glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. There are many different types of zongzi, ranging from sweet to savory and filled with everything from red bean paste to pork belly. Making and sharing zongzi is a way for families and friends to come together and celebrate.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to remember the past and honor traditions, but it is also a time for modern celebrations and new memories. Whether you’re watching dragon boat races or enjoying a delicious zongzi with loved ones, there’s something for everyone on this special day.












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